Today we have been logged in six months. I have to admit it doesn't seem like a month has passed since I wrote the last post, so that is good news, in some way.
While we waited to bring Lindy home and as we've been waiting so far, the question, "why so long?" often comes up in conversation. The truth is, there are probably many factors. Many people think the massive preparation efforts for the Olympics in Beijing caused the severe slow down. In some ways it makes sense, but lately I am hearing that really isn't the main issue. I kind of wish it was because the Olympics begin in less than 100 days. It'd be nice to think that life in China will return to normal once they are over and wait times will significantly decrease.
It also appears our friend the economy might be impacting things. The dollar isn't as strong in China as it once was. I'll leave it at that and not say more because I don't like to think of bringing our daughter home in terms of profits and losses.
There are many other things I am sure that are impacting the situation. The one thing I need to hold onto is and remember is that God is in control and can impact the situation in a greater way than anything or anybody else.
I ran across the following quote and it reminds me to not be idle and to make the most of the journey...
"This time like all times is a very good one if we but know what to do with it."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
That Ralph wise, right?? Great quote! I am sorry things are as slow as they are. I wish at least we could know why exactly, but it just doesn't work like that I guess. The speculation is difficult and all consuming at times. My new strategy is to just what you are...keeping myself busy and trying not to worry....
Love you,
Happy 6 months down!!!
Tonya lid ??/??/????
Thinking of you today!!
Great quote! Congratulations on six months down! I keep reminding myself to enjoy this time with my Hubby before we get our daughter. We're trying to make the most of this looong wait. Hang in there!
Dear Mei Mei,
I have been thinking a lot about you this week! I know God has chosen you already for your amazing family! I am so grateful that I get to pray for you, no matter how long it takes to finally see your precious face!
I pray for God's perfect timing for your arrival.
Blessings, sweet Baby Osborne!
-Your Aunt Di
Love the quote and yeah, congrats on 6months down!
And i loved what you said on Lupus Pie's blog! "Because Lindy is Chinese she will be great at spelling, playing the violin, and gymnastics. Really?" Why do people always assume such???
I'll definitely be coming more often to your blog.
Found you on Kate's blog....happy 6months....loved the blues clues cute!
This wait is torturous, but you've got to have faith! We are into this wait 24 months and I never thought I would make it this far, but I did and you will too!
Have a nice weekend!
Found you from my blog friend Sara...
There are so many reasons why this has happened and sadly, none of them have the children's welfare at heart.
Keep your faith during this very hard wait.
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