Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lucky seven

Make the least of all that goes and the most of all that comes. Don't regret what is past. Cherish what you have. Look forward to all that is to come. And most important of all, rely moment by moment on Jesus Christ.
Gigi Graham Tchividjian
Celebrating seven months down!!!


Kate said...

Well...I seem to be a bit calendar challenged these days...but I did remember this evening that it is the 7th....your lucky 7 on the 7th!

I missed your posting and YOU this week...but hope you have had a marvelous time!!

Can't wait to catch up!!



Jenn said...

One month closer to Lindy's mei mei!!

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

Yay! yay yay

Chris said...

Lisa, I think of you and Don often. I have been a bit off on blogging lately. Seven months closer to Mei Mei. What a lucky little girl!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Jen Talley said...

Stumbled across your blog today and wanted to drop a line. We have a Mei Mei at home with us after a 2year wait.(we actually named her Mei Elyse and we call her Mei Mei) I know how the wait can be excruciating. Please be encouraged and press into the One who called you to bring a precious little girl to her forever family.

Jen in Georgia

"T" said...

Wow that was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Football and Fried Rice said...

Happy 7 months :) Every month counts!

Amanda said...

It has been a long time since I read this blog. I went back and caught up on everything. I found tears in my eyes as I read, partly for the pain of your waiting and partly for the joy of your faith. My prayers will continue for your family and for your new little one, wherever she may be.