A few people have asked whether Lindy's mei mei has a name. We have not chosen a name for her at this point and, honestly, we haven't even talked about it much. We do have some names on the table but we definitely aren't even close to a final selection and it appears we don't need to have one for quite a while. Every once in a while we'll ask Lindy what her mei mei's name is and she says, "Mei mei."
There is someone who does know her name and that is God. Today I have been thinking about God's omniscience. My dwelling on that really comes from a sad little thing that happened yesterday. In the late afternoon I heard a terrible crash into the window. I looked out to see a mourning dove which had fallen to the ground and within seconds it died. I remembered that the Bible talks about how God even knows when a sparrow falls to the ground...
It really is so hard as a human to fathom that God knows who this little one's birth parents will be, when she'll come into this world, what her Chinese name will be, what we will name her, and when we will meet her for the first time. It gives me peace knowing that someone has the answers, though, even when I don't.
"He counts the number of the stars; he calls them all by name." Psalm 147:4
"For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees everything under the heavens." Job 28:24